Important Phone Numbers

Listed below are a few phone numbers that will come in handy in helping to keep our creek and city maintained:


San Leandro
Clean Water Program (510) 577-3401
Storm Drains (510) 577-3434
Street Repairs (510) 577-3400
Refuse Services (ACI) (510) 357-7282
Street Cleaning (510) 577-3484
Weeds & Debris (510) 577-3260
Graffiti Abatement Hotline (510) 577-3400
Tree Maintenance (City) (510) 577-3448
Park Maintenance (510) 577-3444
Abandoned/Inoperative Vehicles (510) 577-3260
Animal Control (510) 577-3206
Recycling Hotline (510) 577-6026
Illegal Dumping Reporting (510) 577-3201


Alameda County
Clean Water Program (510) 670-5543
Rotline (Home composting program) (510) 444-SOIL
Household Hazardous Waste (800) 606-6606
General Help (510) 670-5480


Davis Street SMaRT
(Soil Products and Recycling Information)
(510) 638-2303

General Meetings
General Meetings are held 3-4 times per year, one per quarter usually. If you are interested in attending, email Ann Graham at Meetings are publicized in the San Leandro Times. The Friends of San Leandro Creek often invite guest speakers to their meetings, contribute to City and County decisions affecting San Leandro Creek, and help to plan Watershed Awareness Program activities. You do not have to be a paid member to attend. New faces are always welcome. Hopefully you will like what you see and hear and want to join. 🙂

Mailing Address:
Friends of San Leandro Creek
PO Box 3
San Leandro, CA 94577