Help Friends of San Leandro Creek in making the creek healthier, more resilient.
We’ll remove invasive plants, then sheet-mulch with cardboard and wood chips to keep invasive species from returning. Please join us for one day or both!
Day 1: Saturday, May 13, 10:00AM – 3:00PM
Day 2: Saturday, May 20, 10:00AM – 3:00PM
WHERE: Chabot Park, Sylvan Circle off Estudillo
Meet below the playground by the creek
• Community service credits provided!
• Gloves & tools provided.
• Plus: Snacks, Drinks & Free Pizza Lunch!
Or visit our website at: www.fslc.org
Questions? Email Susan Levenson at SLevenson@sanleandro.org
Creekside Restoration at Chabot Park