Yard Maintenance
Yard Maintenance, Water Quality And You
No matter where you live you’re part of a watershed. In the San Leandro Creek watershed all water flows into San Leandro Creek, and eventually to San Francisco Bay. Rain falling on a watershed flows as surface runoff to rivers and streams, or filters down through soils to flow into the groundwater aquifers. Both surface and groundwater flows can pick up pollutants and carry them to downstream fisheries.
Pollution from many indirect sources is called Non-point source Pollution. Common examples of Non-point Pollution include; eroding soils, oil, paints, solvents, anti-freeze and pesticide spills along our roads or into our storm drains. Pollution spills and release which flow into our storm drains are of most concern because these releases can flow untreated directly into San Leandro Creek. Therefore, by being aware of these damaging pollutants and by properly maintaining our gardens and yards we can protect the water quality and the health of San Leandro Creek.
The following Yard Maintenance and Gardening tips will help protect the water quality of San Leandro Creek while maintaining the beauty of your yard and garden.
Garden debris composts easily for reliable soil amendment or can be recycled curbside.
Consider native riparian trees and shrubs when landscaping creek slopes. Native plants require less water, fertilizers, and are better adapted to California’s environment. Creek side native plants stabilize creek banks, and protect slopes from erosion.
- Encourage beneficial insects such as ladybugs, praying mantises, lacewings, and ground beetles.
- Use less toxic pesticides such as soap and water solutions or insecticide oils before using more costly and toxic insecticides.
- Consult with you local nurseryman or Master Gardener (Master Gardener Program (510) 670-5202).
This brochure was prepared by the Friends of San Leandro Creek with funds from a Community Stewardship Grant provided by the Alameda County-Wide Clean Water Program.