Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service Cleanup

Hello and Happy New Year all! Please join FSLC for an important creek cleanup on Saturday, January 21 from 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM on Hegenberger Rd in Oakland. Picking up trash helps keep our creek beautiful and healthy. Martin Luther King Day of Service is a fun,...

My Favorite Farm Box

As Coordinator of FSLC, I will never sell you anything. That’s not my job. But, if I find something that is wonderful, I will share it with you. If you’re looking at this site, you care about lowering your carbon footprint. Here’s a simple and delish...

Coastal Cleanup/Creek to Bay Day Creek Cleanup

 Saturday September 17, 2022 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM  San Leandro Creek at 250 Hegenberger Rd Oakland, CA – The Bridge over the San Leandro Creek  View map   Step up for the Creek, Bay and Ocean – they are all connected!   Sign up...

FSLC Field Trips for 2022-23 – UPDATE

Educator’s guide ’22-23 SWL UPDATE!! Educators, look for 2023-24 field trips around August and sign up for your trip!  2022-23 Field trip season is just about done for the year. It was such a successful program 🙂  We had 33 classrooms apply, and...